Thursday, September 30, 2010

Have Attitude of Gratitude

THANK god for everything you possess. You will feel more confident & constructive in life.

As we have observed that, whenever anyone thanks someone for its support they both feel great about it. It brings smile on their faces and smile makes you effective in sorting out things.

Gratitude brings a feeling of satisfaction about what you possess. It with a correct vision will give a direction of success.

Gratitude gives you POSITIVE VIBES and above all it also makes people around you attracted towards you. This attraction will definitely facilitate you in your endeavors. Your subordinates for instance will always respect you behind your back as well, your peers will support you willingly & your boss will mentor you to make you successful.

This attitude is not only helpful in professional life but also in your personal life. Be it your folks or your friends.

If you don’t believe in this “Attitude of Gratitude”, just stopping thanking everyone and you will then face ill feelings of others and post that you will realize its importance and surely a change in your Attitude.

Left handers are stylish and rare

Does it matter that you use which hand often to do your work? I have observed that be it a sport, movie or any show performer’s with the use of left hand seems to be stylish.

Be it Amitabh Bachchan way of tilting on left side and standing or his running by bending slightly on left hand side or clapping from left hand. There is charm in all of them. It is a style statement.

R. Nadal, the tennis icon has poor records than Roger (world no. 1) but is quite popular due to his style. In cricket it is Yuvraj Singh whose batting style seems very interesting due to him being a left hander batsman.

But what about people who can use both the hands with equal efficiency (ambidexterity). They are stylish as well as more “resourceful”, similar was a friend of mine. He use write with right hand if someone is sitting on his left side and vice-versa. This use to help him cheat quicker and sometimes beat the person he is copying from.

Happiest people in this World

If we have to find which “set of people” in this world are happiest? It may be by their country, continent, caste, creed, religion, profession, gender etc. it would be interesting to know. People on the earth do different things, even if they do same thing they might do it very differently. In a country like India we find so much of diversity in culture, customs, and lingo after few miles only. People are so different from each other that just with the accent people can identify your region and in your name they will find your religion or country.

If, I talk about happiness, it is a universal need. Whenever, I switch to any radio station and listen to its young and flamboyant RJ; I find no one is so much enthusiastic about things in this whole world as much as they are. They have answer to each and every question anyone is perturbed with in their lives. Listeners having issues in their love relationship, sex life, ewe teasing or however big or personal it may be RJ thinks they would resolve it with snap of their fingers.

Though it is only about link-ups they want to talk about. I think it would be an interesting study that “How many people after implementing advice of any RJ feel HAPPY?”

While my daily commutation I use to hear various shows on different radio stations for 10-15 days consecutively. Daily there were different guests, different callers, different songs, different RJ’s but 1 thing was same “The level of Enthusiasm was always 10 on 10”. Someone rightly said, “Food with lack of salt can be improved by adding salt but if it is extra you can only spite that”.

I am also quite energetic and zealous person but as everyone believes be it energetic & enthusiastic girlfriend or manager a bit of Calmness is always appreciable. And I believe it goes for a RJ as well.

My dream school for Talent

I want to start a school/training institute where talented kids would be brought to train in skills like various forms of dance, gymnastic, Malkham. When I saw many financially poor kids rolling & jumping in Bandra, Mumbai; I was amazed by their flair. When I talked to 5-6 of them I found that they were not taught about all this and they just do this for fun. One of them was 6 years old but the way he was rolling upside down took my breath away.

I still remember in my childhood days, I daily use to meet an old man on my way to school. He always uses to talk about his childhood days of 1950s and morning Malkham that he use to do for physical fitness cum fun. Though, at that point of time I use to prefer late morning sleep over Malkham (or any other physical exercise). When I saw people doing this I was amazed and after talking to them I realized how much dedication it needs to perform it so beautifully.

In many reality shows on television we see people appearing these days. When I hear the pain they have been through I feel it is quite sad. We have talent, we are growing @ 8% P.A. (GDP growth) but then also we celebrate for winning ONLY 1 medal in Olympics. It is upsetting. More than that, it is pain to know that people with so much of talent and passion for their talent struggle economically their whole life. In a country like US they become Michael Jackson and in India such a poor chap would get nothing except SYMPATHY from society and government.

I wish to open a school for people in need for this. I would not insult them by saying it is for FREE because you are POOR. Rather it would be on deferred payment. I believe that if I would get them trained, they would be able to entertain people and make a good living out of that. There would not be any fee but whenever someone succeeds and feels that it was due to this training can come and give whatever he feels like. This institute would not be with an intension to earn any money because after commencement of this institute it would surely take years for any student to succeed or pay anything. They may teach their juniors or any monetary help they would like to do for making this training institute bigger and better.